Friday, December 13, 2019

Layer 2 (Big MAC)

The Data Link Layer  - I love this tasty beautifully simple 😁

Leah and I are chill'in at the Grizz...nothing better than a cap and a MAC lesson
  • Frames are encoded and decoded into Bits at Layer 2
  • Error detection and correction for the Physical layer can be provided here
  • Ethernet is king of layer 2
  • Ethernet uses 48-bit hex MAC Addresses
  • The first 24 bits are OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) assigned my IEEE
  • Vender assigns last 24; every address is globally unique; 281 trillion possibilities 248
  • Example:  00:60:C2:C0:00:09
Here are some other common Layer 2 protocols:
    • ARP  Address Resolution Protocol
    • ATM  Asynchronous Transfer Mode
    • CDP   Cisco Discovery Protocol
    • FDDI  Fiber Distributed Data Interface
    • Frame Relay
    • Multi-link Protocol
    • PPP    Point-to-Point Protocol
    • STP   Spanning Tree Protocol
    • VTP   VLAN Trunking Protocol
    • VLAN  Virtual Local Area Network

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